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hamlet RunTask

Execute an ECS Task, passing it unique execution configuration.


ENVIRONMENT Add the selected environment(s) to the deployment scope.

TASK_INSTANCE A comma-separated list of the Task Instances to execute.

MANAGE_PY_TASK Specific to this example, this Parameter is passed to the hamlet Executor's "Run Task" script and will become the value of the environment variable passed to the Task. This Parameter would be customised on a per-Task basis.



Loads environment variables from the hamlet properties file.

Run Provider Task

Performs the hamlet "Run Task" action against all Task Instances in the filtered pipeline scope.


The example below passes the argument migrate --no-input to a Django ECS Task. By replacing the handling of MANAGE_PY_TASK with another, this pattern will suit any Task.


pipeline {
    agent {
        label '<agent label>'
    options {
        timestamps ()
                daysToKeepStr: '30'
        checkoutToSubdirectory '.hamlet/product/'

    parameters {
            name: 'ENVIRONMENT',
            description: 'Environment to run the task in',
            multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
            value: '< comma separated list of envs>',
            defaultValue: '<default env>',
            quoteValue: false,
            saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
            type: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
            visibleItemCount: 10

            name: 'TASK_INSTANCE',
            description: 'Provider task instance to run',
            multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
            value: '<comma separated list of task instances>',
            defaultValue: '',
            quoteValue: false,
            saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
            type: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
            visibleItemCount: 10

            name: 'MANAGE_PY_TASK',
            description: '',
            defaultValue: 'migrate --no-input'


    environment {
        properties_file = '.hamlet/product/<product properties location>'

        SEGMENT = '<task segment>'

    stages {
        stage('Setup Context') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

        stage('Run Provider Task') {
            environment {
                TASK_INSTANCE = "${params["TASK_INSTANCE"]}"
                MANAGE_PY_TASK = "${params["MANAGE_PY_TASK"]}"

            steps {
                script {
                    currentBuild.description = "Environment: ${env["ENVIRONMENT"]} - Instance: ${env["TASK_INSTANCE"]}"

                sh '''#!/bin/bash
                ${GENERATION_DIR}/ \
                    -t "<ECS Host Tier Name>" -i "<ECS Host Component Id>" \
                    -w "<ECS Task Component Id>" -x "${TASK_INSTANCE}" -y "" -c "<ECS Task Container Id>" \
                    -e "<Environment Var to overide>" -v "${MANAGE_PY_TASK}"
