Just a small release this time round. Mostly just focusing on some minor features and fixes for the AWS provider.
At this stage we are announcing that hamlet is entering maintenance mode, future development will focus on include specific features as required for our own purposes and fixes that effect deployments.
With the rise in other deployment tools in the world that have a much larger following than us its difficult to keep up, while its not good bye completely, we are heading in for a nap.
Key Updates
CDN Alias Configuration
Add explicit host name aliases that will be accepted by the CDN
Fixed Subscription Configuration
Specify subscriptions to topics without needing an external link. This makes configuring email, phone and url based subscriptions easier.
- (topic): add fixed subscription config
- (topic): add fixed endpoint subscriptions (#786)
Extended support for S3 Bucket Replication
Updated the IAM role used in S3 bucket replication so that it can also be used by Batch Replication Jobs. When creating a batch replication job you can use the role that is created by the S3 bucket deployment for replication
- (s3): batch replication support (#801)
AWS Provider
AWS Provider Features
- (user): add permissions boundary arn config (#799)
- add the cluster type when calling snapshot username (#796)
- (baseline): add sqs extension (#792)
- (db): add storage type configuration support (#790)
- instance type support for lb
- add support for kms replication of objects
AWS Provider Fixes
- (cdn): restrict CDN region check lookup (#798)
- (ec2): update ssh key env lookup (#797)
- (ecs): policy split for ecs tasks (#795)
- target group sg lookup
- typo in templates
- (ecs): memory and lb complex configuration (#794)
- (correspondent): only deploy for right template type (#793)
- (topic): kms permissions (#791)