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Manage Environment Pipeline

Perform environment-level deployments, including performing a deployment of a specific mode against one or more deployment units.


No triggers.


This pipeline's available parameter values are populated by the properties file and so initially, no parameters can be provided. After loading the properties file the pipeline will prompt for user selection of the following parameters, which will each filter the pipelines scope:

ENVIRONMENT Add the selected environment(s) to the deployment scope.

LEVELS_LIST Add the selected deployment level(s) to the deployment scope.

SEGMENT_UNITS_LIST Add the selected Segment-level deployment units to the deployment scope. Requires selection of the Segment deployment level on the LEVELS_LIST parameter.

SOLUTION_UNITS_LIST Add the selected Solution-level deployment units to the deployment scope. Requires selection of the Solution deployment level on the LEVELS_LIST parameter.

APPLICATION_UNITS_LIST Add the selected Application-level deployment units to the deployment scope. Requires selection of the Application deployment level on the LEVELS_LIST parameter.

TREAT_RUN_ID_DIFFERENCES_AS_SIGNIFICANT Forces the deployment for every deployment unit matching the selected parameters, even where the deployment unit has no new or modified configuration.


Get Input

Loads the properties file and prompts for the selection of the now-configured Parameters.

Setup Context

Establishes the execution environment context and loads any additional environment variables from the local file.

Manage Env

Executes a hamlet "Manage Environment" action against the Parameter selection. This includes sequential template generation and deployment for all deployment units within the scope of the Parameter selection.



pipeline {
    agent {
        label '<hamlet agent label>'
    options {
        timestamps ()
                daysToKeepStr: '14'
        checkoutToSubdirectory '.hamlet/product/'

    environment {
        properties_file = '.hamlet/product/<product properties file>'


        SEGMENT = 'default'

    stages {

        stage('Get Input') {
            steps {
                // Load in Properties files
                script {
                    def productProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    productProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }


                script {
                    def input = input(
                        message: 'Manage Environment',
                        parameters: [
                                name: 'DEPLOYMENT_MODE',
                                choices: ['update', 'stop', 'hibernate'],
                                description: '''Desired way in which deploy should occur.
                            "update" will attempt a hot cutover from the running deployment to the desired deployment.
                            "stop" will stop the running deployment but not start the desired deployment - mainly intended to facilitate database maintenance without the application'''
                                name: 'ENVIRONMENT',
                                description: 'Environments to manage',
                                multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
                                value: "${ENVIRONMENT_LIST}",
                                quoteValue: false,
                                saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
                                type: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
                                visibleItemCount: 10
                                name: 'LEVELS_LIST',
                                defaultValue: 'segment,solution',
                                description: 'Template levels to process',
                                multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
                                quoteValue: false,
                                saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
                                type: 'PT_CHECKBOX',
                                value: 'segment,solution,application',
                                visibleItemCount: 5
                                name: 'SEGMENT_UNITS_LIST',
                                defaultValue: '',
                                description: 'Segment level units to manage',
                                multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
                                value: "${SEGMENT_UNITS}",
                                quoteValue: false,
                                saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
                                type: 'PT_CHECKBOX',
                                visibleItemCount: 10
                                name: 'SOLUTION_UNITS_LIST',
                                defaultValue: '',
                                description: 'Solution level units to manage',
                                multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
                                value: "${SOLUTION_UNITS}",
                                quoteValue: false,
                                saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
                                type: 'PT_CHECKBOX',
                                visibleItemCount: 10
                                name: 'APPLICATION_UNITS_LIST',
                                defaultValue: '',
                                description: 'Application level units to manage',
                                multiSelectDelimiter: ',',
                                value: "${APPLICATION_UNITS}",
                                quoteValue: false,
                                saveJSONParameterToFile: false,
                                type: 'PT_CHECKBOX',
                                visibleItemCount: 10
                                name: 'TREAT_RUN_ID_DIFFERENCES_AS_SIGNIFICANT',
                                defaultValue: false
                    input.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

        stage('Setup Context') {
            steps {
                script {
                    currentBuild.description = "Environment: ${env["ENVIRONMENT"]}"

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

        stage('Manage Env') {
            steps {
                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }