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Basic Build Pipeline

A single-unit build pipeline. This is best used with the multibranch pipeline or a pipeline stored within the application code.

An alternate application of this pipeline would be to create separate build pipelines within the same repository. These could then be configured within the Jenkins Job to trigger simultaneously on all commits to the repository.

Build Units

This pipeline contains an example for building a single deployment unit and triggering a deployment if successful.

Post Job

On success, this job will trigger a 'Continuous Deploy' pipeline into the first environment.


This example uses groovy scripts from the jenkins-shared-library


pipeline {
    agent {
        label '<hamlet agenet label>'
    options {
        timestamps ()
                numToKeepStr: '10'
        checkoutToSubdirectory 'build'

    environment {
        properties_file = '.hamlet/product/<product properties file>'
        slack_channel = '<slack channel>'
        product_cmdb = '<cmdb repo Url>'


        SEGMENT = '<SEGMENT>'
        AUTODEPLOY = 'true'

        DEPLOYMENT_UNITS = 'lambda-v1'
        BUILD_PATH = 'lambda'
        BUILD_TASKS = 'build'
        IMAGE_FORMAT = 'lambda'

    stages {
        stage('Setup') {
            steps {

                // Product Setup
                dir('.hamlet/product') {
                        url: "${env["product_cmdb"]}",
                        credentialsId: '<Github Creds for CMDB>',
                        changelog: false,
                        poll: false

                // Load in Properties files
                script {
                    def productProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    productProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }


                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

        stage('API Lambda') {

            steps {
                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }


    post {
        success {

            script {
                if ( env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ) {
                    build job: "../../deploy/${env["ENVIRONMENT"]}-deploy", wait: false, parameters: [
                        string(name: 'DEPLOYMENT_UNITS', value: "${env["DEPLOYMENT_UNITS"]}" ),
                        string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT', value: "${env["GIT_COMMIT"]}"),
                        string(name: 'IMAGE_FORMATS', value: "${env["IMAGE_FORMAT"]}" )

            slackSend (
                message: "Build Completed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS} - Commit: ${params.GIT_COMMIT}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#50C878"

        failure {
            slackSend (
                message: "Build Failed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS} - Commit: ${params.GIT_COMMIT}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#D20F2A"
        cleanup {