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Multi-Unit Build Pipelines

This pipeline contains an example for building multiple deployment units from the same code repository. This is best used with the multibranch pipeline or a pipeline stored in the application code.

Build Units

We have two build units in this pipeline example;

  • an apigateway with an openapi spec
  • a lambda function which implements the API backend


Changes to the file paths api/spec or api/gw/ will trigger the build process for the apigateway. If this is sucessful a build job is triggered to deploy the apigateway.

Changes to the files under lambda/* will trigger the build process for the lambda function. If it completes, a build job is triggered to deploy the lambda deployment-unit.


The "force_*" paramters allow you to override the conditional trigger on the file paths. This is useful in build pipelines that may fail on underlying services or updates to the build hosts are made.


This example uses groovy scripts from the jenkins-shared-library


pipeline {
    agent {
        label '<hamlet agenet label>'
    options {
        timestamps ()
                numToKeepStr: '10'
        checkoutToSubdirectory 'build'

    parameters {
            name: 'force_apigateway',
            defaultValue: false,
            description: 'Force build of component'

            name: 'force_lambda',
            defaultValue: false,
            description: 'Force build of component'

    environment {
        properties_file = '.hamlet/product/<product properties file>'
        slack_channel = '<slack channel>'
        product_cmdb = '<cmdb repo Url>'


        SEGMENT = '<SEGMENT>'
        AUTODEPLOY = 'true'

    stages {
        stage('Setup') {
            steps {

                // Product Setup
                dir('.hamlet/product') {
                        url: "${env["product_cmdb"]}",
                        credentialsId: '<Github Creds for CMDB>',
                        changelog: false,
                        poll: false

                // Load in Properties files
                script {
                    def productProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    productProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }


                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

        stage('API Gateway') {
            when {
                anyOf {
                    changeset "api/spec/**"
                    changeset "api/gw/**"

                    equals expected: true, actual: params.force_apigateway

            environment {
                DEPLOYMENT_UNITS = 'api-v1'
                BUILD_PATH = '/api/gw'
                IMAGE_FORMAT = 'openapi'

            steps {
                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

            post {
                success {
                    script {
                        if ( env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ) {
                            build job: "../../deploy/${env["ENVIRONMENT"]}-deploy", wait: false, parameters: [
                                string(name: 'DEPLOYMENT_UNITS', value: "${env["DEPLOYMENT_UNITS"]}" ),
                                string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT', value: "${env["GIT_COMMIT"]}"),
                                string(name: 'IMAGE_FORMATS', value: "${env["IMAGE_FORMAT"]}" )

        stage('API Lambda') {
            when {
                anyOf {
                    changeset "lambda/**"

                    equals expected: true, actual: params.force_lambda

            environment {
                DEPLOYMENT_UNITS = 'lambda-v1'
                BUILD_PATH = 'lambda'
                BUILD_TASKS = 'build'
                IMAGE_FORMAT = 'lambda'

            steps {
                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

            post {
                success {
                    script {
                        if ( env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ) {
                            build job: "../../deploy/${env["ENVIRONMENT"]}-deploy", wait: false, parameters: [
                                string(name: 'DEPLOYMENT_UNITS', value: "${env["DEPLOYMENT_UNITS"]}" ),
                                string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT', value: "${env["GIT_COMMIT"]}"),
                                string(name: 'IMAGE_FORMATS', value: "${env["IMAGE_FORMAT"]}" )


    post {
        success {
            slackSend (
                message: "Build Completed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS} - Commit: ${params.GIT_COMMIT}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#50C878"

        failure {
            slackSend (
                message: "Build Failed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS} - Commit: ${params.GIT_COMMIT}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#D20F2A"
        cleanup {