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Prepare Release Pipeline

Creates the templates required for a release and associates the provided Release Identifier with the builds in the current environment. This Release Identifier will then represent this collection of builds to promote through the environments.


This pipeline is intended to be called by the 'Promote Release' pipeline and defines no automatic triggers.


This pipeline accepts a RELEASE_IDENTIFIER parameter for the unique Release to be prepared. The DEPLOYMENT_UNITS parameter can be provided, however by default it will read its values from an array defined at the top of the file.



Loads environment variables from the hamlet properties file.


Prepare the Jenkins execution environment, verify build references can be found (as defined by their build format) in registry, generate application-level deployment-unit templates and update them in the hamlet CMDB.

Post Job

After running, this pipeline will notify a defined slack channel of either success or failure.


This example uses groovy scripts from the jenkins-shared-library


def releaseUnits = [
    '<Your unit list as an array>!'

pipeline {
    agent {
        label '<hamlet agent label>'

    options {
        timestamps ()
                daysToKeepStr: '14'
        checkoutToSubdirectory '.hamlet/product/'

    parameters {
            name: 'DEPLOYMENT_UNITS',
            defaultValue: "${ releaseUnits.join("\n") }",
            description: 'Units to be updated as part of the release preparation. For those units where code references are to be updated, append the detail after the affected unit',

            name: 'RELEASE_IDENTIFIER',
            defaultValue: '',
            description: 'Identifier for the release. If not provided, the current build number will be used'

    environment {
        properties_file = '.hamlet/product/<product properties pipeline>'
        slack_channel = '<slack channel>'

        SEGMENT = '<SEGMENT>'

        stage('Setup') {
            steps {
                // Load in Properties files
                script {
                    def productProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${env.properties_file}";
                    productProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }



        stage('Prepare') {
            steps {
                sh '''#!/bin/bash
                    ${AUTOMATION_BASE_DIR}/ -r selective

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                sh '''#!/bin/bash

                script {
                    def contextProperties = readProperties interpolate: true, file: "${WORKSPACE}/";
                    contextProperties.each{ k, v -> env["${k}"] ="${v}" }

                script {
                    currentBuild.description = "Release Id: ${env.RELEASE_IDENTIFIER}"


    post {
        success {
            slackSend (
                message: "Prepare Completed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#50C878"

        failure {
            slackSend (
                message: "Prepare Failed - ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} (<${BUILD_URL}|Open>)\n Environment: ${env.ENVIRONMENT} - Segment: ${env.SEGMENT} \n DeploymentUnits: ${params.DEPLOYMENT_UNITS}",
                channel: "${env["slack_channel"]}",
                color: "#D20F2A"