JSON "default" Output Type
The hamlet.io documentation is currently under significant re-development. Existing content is a placeholder and will be updated very soon.
- the “default” deployment framework defines the “default” output type - JSON
- used extensively by the engine to produce many of the prerequisite models (link) and output subsets (link) for processing templates of any other type
- this deployment framework defines the following JSON Output Type subsets:
output format: null
output suffix: testcase.json
- created during the test case template pass (link)
- used for test case file creation by all testing providers (link to testing)
Output format: null
Output suffix: cli.json
- created during the cli template pass (link)
- used for storing CLI arguments as JSON file
Output format: null
Output suffix: config.json
- created by the config template pass (link)
Output format: null
Output suffix: parameters.json
- created by the parameters template pass (link)
- used for creating parameter files that store parameter values outside of their associated templates