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The documentation is currently under significant re-development. Existing content is a placeholder and will be updated very soon.

  • a Model is a defined data skeleton used by the hamlet engine to sort configuration into a structure that it can reliably seek and retrieve data from
  • Once input-data is sorted into a model, hamlet can reliably retrieve and_or confirm the presence_absence of configuration.

Context Model / Default Model

  • The default deployment framework (link) defines the “context” model
    • also known as the “default” model
  • Once compiled the context model represents the provided solution in its current “context” of input-data values
  • The default model is defined within the shared provider (link to docs)


// example of the context model during template generation

Set Context

  • SetContext is responsible for instantiating the context model by discovering discovering input data and incorporating it into the context model
  • Unlike macros or functions that are invoked with parameters, the context model is defined within its own file - setContext.ftl
  • Set Context is included by the bootstrap.ftl which is used to “bootstrap” the engine at runtime for most activities