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The engine provides the core logic and data modelling within hamlet. It is written in Apache Freemarker and called by a java command line application, the engine core. The engine generates file based outputs and each call to the engine should generate at least one output if it is run successfully.


The engine does not need to be built into a binary and can be installed by cloning it directly from its Github repository.

git clone


Each call to the engine requires a set of options provided to the engine core cli to generate the required outputs


The engine is designed to be extensible and a number of plugins are available to provide cloud provider support, re-usable configuration snippets and component extensions. These are available in the library.

Plugin installation is managed through the CMDB.

Plugin Configuration

The following Environment Variables must be set in order for the Engine to load each plugin.

GENERATION_PLUGIN_DIRSA semicolon delimited list of fully qualified filepaths, each to a local instance of a hamlet plugin