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API Load Balancer

Following on from the container deployment, this guide will walk through exposing our container to the internet through a load balancer.

We will run the deployment first and then discuss what was created.

If you haven't already, create a CMDB using the create CMDB guide

For this deployment to work please complete the Hello Status API Deployment guide first

  1. Change into the integration default segment directory to set the context.

    # Make sure we are in our CMDB
    cd ~/hamlet_hello/mycmdb
    # Change into the default segment for the integration environment
    cd myapp/config/solutionsv2/integration/default/

    Open the segment.json in your code editor.

  2. Add the following to the segment file:

        "Tiers" : {
            "elb" : {
                "Components" : {
                    "apicdn" : {
                        "Type" : "cdn",
                        "deployment:Unit" : "apicdn",
                        "deployment:Priority" : 150,
                        "Pages": {
                            "Root": "",
                            "Denied": "",
                            "Error": "",
                            "NotFound": ""
                        "Routes" : {
                            "default" : {
                                "Origin" : {
                                    "Link" : {
                                        "Tier" : "elb",
                                        "Component" : "apilb",
                                        "SubComponent" : "http"
                                "PathPattern" : "_default"
                    "apilb" : {
                        "Type" : "lb",
                        "deployment:Unit" : "apilb",
                        "Engine" : "application",
                        "PortMappings" : {
                            "http" : {
                                "IPAddressGroups" : [ "_global" ],
                                "Forward" : {},
                                "Mapping" : "httpflask"
        "Ports" : {
            "flask": {
                "Port": 8000,
                "Protocol": "HTTP",
                "IPProtocol": "tcp",
                "HealthCheck": {
                    "Path": "/",
                    "HealthyThreshold": "3",
                    "UnhealthyThreshold": "5",
                    "Interval": "30",
                    "Timeout": "5"
        "PortMappings" : {
            "httpflask" : {
                "Source": "http",
                "Destination": "flask"

    This includes:

    • a public facing load balancer that listens for HTTP requests on port 80 and forwards them to port 8000 on the backend services
    • a CDN which will provide an HTTPS based endpoint and forwards requests to the load balancer.
  3. When we define load balancers we don't define the backends that it will forward requests to, instead the backend services register with the load balancer. So let's add that to the solution as well.

        "Services" : {
            "helloapi" : {
                "Containers" : {
                    "api": {
                        "Ports" : {
                            "flask" : {
                                "LB" : {
                                    "Tier" : "elb",
                                    "Component" : "apilb",
                                    "SubComponent" : "http"
  4. Update the deployments to create the load balancer and configure the containers to register with the load balancer.

    hamlet --account acct01 deploy run-deployments

Testing the API

Once the deployments have completed, test the API to see if it's working. To do that we need to know the URL of the load balancer.

To find this, we'll look at some new hamlet commands which give us details on our occurrences. We discussed components and subcomponents earlier; occurrences are the individual instances of components and subcomponents. The occurrence represents a collection of resources which are deployed as a specific function. Occurrences are what hamlet uses as the key representation of our deployments.

So first up let's see what occurrences exist in our solution.

hamlet --account acct01 component list-occurrences
| TierId   | ComponentId   | Name                                      | Type               |
| elb      | apicdn        | elb-apicdn-cdn                            | cdn                |
| elb      | apicdn        | elb-apicdn-default-cdnroute               | cdnroute           |
| elb      | apilb         | elb-apilb-lb                              | lb                 |
| elb      | apilb         | elb-apilb-http-lbport                     | lbport             |
| app      | ecshost       | application-ecshost-ecs                   | ecs                |
| app      | ecshost       | application-ecshost-helloapi-service      | service            |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-baseline              | baseline           |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-opsdata-baselinedata  | baselinedata       |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-appdata-baselinedata  | baselinedata       |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-ssh-baselinekey       | baselinekey        |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-cmk-baselinekey       | baselinekey        |
| mgmt     | baseline      | management-baseline-oai-baselinekey       | baselinekey        |
| mgmt     | vpc           | management-vpc-network                    | network            |
| mgmt     | vpc           | management-vpc-internal-networkroute      | networkroute       |
| mgmt     | vpc           | management-vpc-external-networkroute      | networkroute       |
| mgmt     | vpc           | management-vpc-open-networkacl            | networkacl         |
| mgmt     | igw           | management-igw-gateway                    | gateway            |
| mgmt     | igw           | management-igw-default-gatewaydestination | gatewaydestination |

The names in the ComponentId column should look familiar. These are the keys under the Components sections that we've been adding to the segment.json file. Each of the components listed here has multiple occurrences with different types, each type is a different collection of resources that implement a function within the component. The CDN is a good example of this, you can have one CDN endpoint, but it can have different routes based on the path you ask for in your HTTP request.

So to find the URL for the HTTP port let's look at the details of the lbport.

hamlet --account acct01 component describe-occurrence -n elb-apicdn-cdn attributes
| Key             | Value                                 |
| FQDN            |             |
| DISTRIBUTION_ID | ABC123ABC12                           |
| INTERNAL_FQDN   |             |
| URL             |     |

Here we get a set of details about the load balancer port, including the URL.

Now that we have the URL let's see if our API is working.

    "Greeting": "Hello!",
    "Location": "nowhere"

There is our API returning our greeting over HTTPS and served by a CDN.

Reference Data

As part of this guide we added some new sections to the CMDB, Ports and PortMappings. Within hamlet these are known as reference data and they are reusable configurations that can be reused across your solution. Ports and PortMappings are examples of the Reference Data Types that are available and under each type you have instances of the reference. So we added a new port called flask along with a new port mapping called httpflask.

When we updated our service to register with the load balancer we needed to reference the load balancer. This was done using a link. A link is an object structure that is used in solutions to establish relationships between occurrences. Links have the following properties:

  • Tier: the ID of the tier the component belongs to
  • Component: the ID of the component you want to link to
  • SubComponent: The ID of a component which belongs to another component
  • Instance: an optional ID of the instance for the component to link to; by default the source component instance ID is used
  • Version: an optional ID of the version for the component to link to; by default the source component version ID is used
  • Role: the role is used to apply permissions between different components, for example a component can specify write access to another component and its permissions will be deployed with the appropriate permissions.

For the service we used the Tier, Component and Sub Component properties to establish a link between the container in the API service and the apilb.

Next up is configuring the location of our API. We don't want to say hello from nowhere...