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Creating the App Image

This guide will take you through the process of building and uploading an image of our web app to the hamlet registry. The registry is where hamlet stores any application build artefacts that will be used by our components. There are different registry types for different build formats, but within AWS the majority of them are stored as S3 objects.

Each image has the following properties:

  • format: this sets the type of image and is used by components to find images that they can support.
  • reference: a unique reference for each build of an image. This is usually something like a git hash.
  • scope: sets where the image is available. The default is segment which means that the image is only available with the segment specified when it was uploaded.
  • unit: the name of the deployment-unit this image will be used with.

Building the web app

Now that we've seen what our app can do, let's create a build of the app that we can deploy.

If you haven't run the app locally head to the build locally guide before going through these steps

  1. Change into the app directory.

    cd ~/hamlet_hello/docs-support/hello_world_ui
  2. Run the tests on the app to make sure it is working as expected.

    yarn install
    yarn test
    # press a to run all tests
    # if they all pass press q to exit
  3. Before running the build, we need to provide the API URL to the environment so that it can be included in the build process. We will do this using the describe-occurrence command in hamlet.

    cd ~/hamlet_hello/mycmdb/myapp/config/solutionsv2/integration/default/
    export REACT_APP_API_URL="$( hamlet --account acct01 component describe-occurrence -n elb-apicdn-cdn attributes --output-format json | jq -r '.URL' )"

    The command gets the URL for the site using the attributes of the API CDN.

  4. Create a build of the app. This will create a new directory which is a compiled and compressed version of our app.

    cd ~/hamlet_hello/docs-support/hello_world_ui
    yarn build

    This should create a new directory under ~/hamlet_hello/docs-support/hello_world_ui/build with the app code that will become our image.

  5. We now have our application build image ready for deployment into our environment. The next step is to upload the image to the registry.

    # Change into the hamlet cmdb to set our context
    cd ~/hamlet_hello/mycmdb/myapp/config/solutionsv2/integration/default/
    # Get the git reference from the UI code repository
    # - update this directory if you are using a different base directory
    # A bit of git magic to get the sha1sum reference for the current branch of the code
    ui_git_ref="$(git -C "${ui_git_dir}"  show-ref -s --verify "$(git -C "${ui_git_dir}" symbolic-ref HEAD)")"
    # upload the image to the hamlet registry
    hamlet --account acct01 release upload-image \
        --deployment-unit "helloui" --build-reference "${ui_git_ref}" --image-format spa \
        --image-path "${ui_git_dir}/build/"
  6. Now that we have uploaded the image we need to tell our integration environment that a new image has been uploaded to the registry and that it can use it for the next deployment.

    hamlet --account acct01 release update-image-reference \
        --deployment-unit "helloui" --build-reference "${ui_git_ref}" \
        --image-format spa

In this guide we've created a build of our application ready to host in our deployment and uploaded it to the hamlet registry. The image provides the link between the application code and the hamlet infrastructure deployment. Once the image has been created hamlet works with the images and deploys these into the environment.