- Home
- Account
- Environment
- Product
- Segment
- Tenant
- adaptor
- apigateway
- apiusageplan
- backupstore
- backupstoreregime
- baseline
- baselinedata
- baselinekey
- bastion
- cache
- cdn
- cdncachepolicy
- cdnorigin
- cdnresponsepolicy
- cdnroute
- certificateauthority
- clientvpn
- computecluster
- configbranch
- configstore
- containerhost
- containerservice
- containertask
- contenthub
- contentnode
- correspondent
- correspondentchannel
- datacatalog
- datacatalogtable
- datafeed
- dataset
- datastream
- datavolume
- db
- dbproxy
- directory
- dnszone
- docdb
- ec2
- ecs
- es
- externalnetwork
- externalnetworkconnection
- externalservice
- externalserviceendpoint
- federatedrole
- federatedroleassignment
- fileshare
- filesharemount
- filetransfer
- firewall
- firewalldestination
- firewallrule
- function
- gateway
- gatewaydestination
- globaldb
- healthcheck
- hostingplatform
- image
- internaltest
- lambda
- lb
- lbbackend
- lbport
- logstore
- mobileapp
- mobilenotifier
- mobilenotifierplatform
- mta
- mtarule
- network
- networkacl
- networkroute
- objectsql
- privateservice
- queuehost
- router
- routerstaticroute
- runbook
- runbookstep
- s3
- secret
- secretstore
- service
- serviceregistry
- serviceregistryservice
- spa
- sqs
- subscription
- task
- template
- topic
- topicsubscription
- user
- userpool
- userpoolauthprovider
- userpoolclient
- userpoolresource
- AlertProfile
- AlertRule
- BaselineProfile
- Bootstrap
- BootstrapProfile
- CORSProfile
- Category
- Certificate
- CertificateBehaviour
- ComputeProvider
- CountryGroup
- DeploymentGroup
- DeploymentMode
- DeploymentProfile
- Domain
- IPAddressGroup
- LogFile
- LogFileGroup
- LogFileProfile
- LogFilter
- LoggingProfile
- NetworkEndpointGroup
- NetworkProfile
- PlacementProfile
- PolicyProfile
- Port
- PortMapping
- Processor
- Region
- SecurityProfile
- ServiceRole
- SkuProfile
- Storage
- TestCase
- TestProfile
- VMImageProfile
- WAFCondition
- WAFProfile
- WAFRule
- WAFRuleGroup
- WAFValueSet
- attribute
- aws_secret
- baseline
- input
- ipaddressgroup
- output
- setting
- alarmslack
- consolidatelogs
- privatebastion
- runbook_rds_pgdump
- runbook_rds_snapshot
- runbook_run_task
- runbook_service_exec_command
- ses_mail_sender
- ses_smtp_user
- ssh_bastion
- aws_cfn_create_change_set
- aws_cfn_delete_stack
- aws_cfn_execute_change_set
- aws_cfn_get_change_set_changes_types
- aws_cfn_get_stack_outputs
- aws_cfn_run_stack
- aws_cfn_write_stack_outputs_to_file
- aws_ec2_select_instance
- aws_ecr_docker_login
- aws_ecs_run_command
- aws_ecs_run_task
- aws_ecs_select_task
- aws_kms_decrypt_ciphertext
- aws_kms_encrypt_value
- aws_lambda_invoke_function
- aws_rds_create_snapshot
- aws_run_bash_script
- aws_s3_download_bucket
- aws_s3_download_object
- aws_s3_empty_bucket
- aws_s3_presign_url
- aws_s3_upload_object
- aws_secretsmanager_get_secret_value
- aws_ses_smtp_password
- bash_run_command
- cmdb_write_stack_output
- conditional_stage_skip
- create_schema
- docker_pull_image
- docker_push_image
- file_delete
- file_path_details
- file_read_content
- file_zip_path
- install_plugin
- manage_deployment
- output_echo
- process_template_pass
- rename_file
- run_bash_script
- set_provider_credentials
- ssh_copy_file
- ssh_run_command
- alert
- antivirus
- autoscalegroup
- aws_computeimage
- aws_ecs_computeimage
- aws_operatingsystem
- aws_s3_notification
- backupwindow
- cdnorigin
- cdnttl
- certificate
- computeimage
- container
- containerhost
- containerservice
- containertask
- contextpath
- contextpath_fullpath
- core_profile
- dbsysevent
- district
- domainname
- ecs_computeimage
- environmentformat
- hostname
- image
- image_container
- image_url
- image_url_extension
- image_url_extension_archive
- image_url_none
- lbattach
- link
- logmetric
- logwatcher
- maintenancewindow
- module
- networkrule
- objectstore_notification
- operatingsystem
- ospatching
- placementprofile
- plugin
- scalingpolicy
- scalingpolicy_ecs
- secretsource
- secretstring
- srvregattach
- table_hosting
- tracing
- volume
- waf
Solution Reference
Reference Data
Dynamic Values
Attribute Sets
Hamlet Solution Reference
- Layers Set the context of what is being deployed and allow you to describe multiple applications within a single hamlet
- Components Describe each function performed as part of your application
- Reference Data Provides a collection of metadata that can shared across components
- Modules Inject blueprint data into your solution to share and reuse your solution
- Tasks Describe a task that should be executed based on a hamlet provided contract such as a runbook
- Attribute Sets Are used to define configuration which is shared throughout the solution
Using the Reference
Each reference is made up of two sections, the Syntax and the Details.
- Syntax The full structure of the configuration item with all values populated by the type of the property.
- Details A table for each object in the configuration along with the properties of each attribute